Student Member Uses Entrepreneurship to Fight Food Hunger

St. LOUIS – The presence of young, successful entrepreneurs in the media has made creating a startup company extremely attractive to college students. Andrew Glantz,Washington ’14is a prime example of an up-and-coming entrepreneur that has had many accomplishments during his time at Washington University.

Fraternity Releases 2014-15 Annual Chapter Report Results

INDIANAPOLIS – Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity recently released the official results of each collegiate chapter’s 2014-15 Annual Chapter Report (ACR). The ACR is designed to act as a planning and evaluation tool for chapters working to create a successful and dynamic chapter.

On an annual basis, collegiate chapters strive to attain goals they set out for themselves in areas of membership, training, events, funding and more. After chapters submit their ACR, the fraternity verifies the information and determines the total number of points each chapter receives based on the percentage of each goal attained.

With the highest achievement of 100,000 points, any chapter that receives a perfect score is recognized as a “Chapter of the Year.” This year, with a fraternity ACR average of 82,182 points, 15 collegiate chapters received such a distinction. These chapters, along with other chapters that performed well on the ACR, will be recognized during the upcoming Convention in Norfolk, VA.

2014-15 Expansion Gives Fraternity Reason to Celebrate

INDIANAPOLIS — The 2014-15 fiscal year marked another successful year of expansion for Alpha Kappa Psi. Efforts resulted in the installations of two collegiate chapters and six alumni chapters. Most notably, the fraternity further expanded its global presence. Within exactly 71 days of each other, Alpha Kappa Psi chartered its first two international alumni chapters in fraternal history. Three student colonies and five alumni colonies were also established this past year.

Alpha Kappa Psi Hosts 14th Annual Academy

INDIANAPOLIS — In late-June, the twenty brothers selected as the 2015 Academy Fellows traveled to Morgantown, Indiana for an intensive, distraction free, leadership retreat. The secluded setting of the Academy allowed for their unhindered growth, as they opened themselves up to new ideas and experiences.