The Benefits of a Mindfulness Practice For Busy Students and Professionals

Do you ever feel like you’re always on the go, jumping from one activity to the next? Thinking about all the things you still need to check off your long to-do list? Maybe you’re more worried about capturing a great experience on video instead of enjoying it through your own eyes. If any of this sounds like you, you’re not alone.

Life can often feel hectic, even overwhelming, for busy students and business professionals. The increasing demands of this always-on, always-connected culture can make it challenging to slow down and be present in the moment. 

The practice of mindfulness has been growing in popularity because of its ability to help people better manage stress and distractions in a busy, noisy world.

A woman sitting on the floor with a notebook, calculator, and laptop working on a personal budget

How to Create and Manage a Personal Budget

Budgeting is important for everyone, regardless of income level or life stage. But it’s especially important for college students and young professionals, as you begin managing your life and finances separate from your parents. 

Read on to learn more about the importance of fiscal responsibility and the steps to creating (and sticking to) a realistic personal budget.