Management Team
Established in 1995, the Management Team is a group of volunteers responsible
for managing the operations of the Fraternity and oversees other volunteer positions.
The Management Team (MT) consists of the president, executive vice president, and four regional directors.
Regional Directors - Volunteer Development
Alpha Kappa Psi Districts
Collegiate chapters are organized geographically into districts. Regions and districts are parallel to one another, meaning districts are not part of regions, they are simply a way to organize chapters.
Chapter advisors receive support from the regional director – volunteer development for their own training, mentoring, coaching, recognition, and engagement, and from the program manager – chapter development for specifics related to working with their chapter officers and executing the Chapter Achievement Pathway.
There is no supervisory relationship between regional directors – volunteer development and program managers – chapter development.
Click here to learn more about the new organizational structure.
Program Managers - Student Chapter Development
Chapter Educational Resource Coordinators (Professional Staff)
Fraternity Officer Elections
The President and Executive Vice President are elected by Chapter Congress and serve two year terms. Elections are conducted biannually in conjunction with Convention years.
In 2024, the Board of Directors approved a new election process and timeline that would enable officer transitions to take place prior to Officers Installation at Convention.