MBA Student Leaves Studies to Follow His Heart

Dabin Park’s life is guided by one principle: to meet the highest ideals. Now, that compass has led him to the South Korean military.

Park, a Western Washington University alumnus and Omega Beta chapter member, recently suspended his MBA studies to move home to South Korea and join the military. He hopes the military experience will prepare his mind and body for a career in journalism, which he said might be the most dangerous field of them all.
After a stint in the military, Park wants to pursue freelance work, allowing himself the freedom to travel and report on various issues around the world, such as world hunger and human rights violations as well as their causes.

“The professors were excellent, and I had good relationships with the deans and the staff, and yet something didn’t feel right about pursuing an MBA,” Park said. “At the same time, personal challenges during the time made me realize that I feel strongly about truth and honesty. With the current atmosphere around free press and journalism, I wanted to transition myself to be a part of a field where the values I hold close is one of the main motives for the field’s existence.”

“As MLK stated, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ I want to go where justice is being violated and share the facts to the world as a journalist,” Park continued.

Journalism is quite a career shift for the 24-year-old. Park graduated in 2017 with a degree in business administration, something he had always gravitated toward because of his belief in a business’s positive impact on economic development. He entered Willamette University’s early MBA program to focus on finance and marketing, working to become a successful capital manager.

On this new path, Park will spend time as a mandatory service enrollee before committing himself as a professional soldier to one of the seven special forces brigades in the South Korean military. He hopes to improve his Korean language and enhance his cultural knowledge through this experience as well.

“(It) seems like I threw away comfort and practicality for idealism, knowing ahead of time that I will probably come up short,” he said. “What keeps me confident on this track is knowing that this is the path of highest ideals for me, and even when we know we’ll come up short, we should strive for it anyways, right?”

Because Park does not have formal journalism education, he plans to use this time to
experiment with photo and video journalism and build relationships.

Park joined Alpha Kappa Psi in 2016 for a sense of community and professionalism. He was also a 2016
Academy Fellow.

“The experience of spending time with brothers from all over the world was incredible. There were brothers from
every part of the US and a brother from the U.K. as well as India. Learning and bonding in beautiful and humid
Indiana for a week with those brothers (at the Academy) is still a sweet memory I look back on,” he said.

Commonly Misused Words and Phrases

There are few things more embarrassing than realizing you have been using a word or phrase incorrectly and no one ever told you. This isn’t just because we take pride in being intelligent. Errors like these, repeated over time, lessen our credibility. These mistakes can even cause us to miss out on a job or other opportunity. This list catalogs some of the most commonly misused words and phrases and describes the correct usages—as well as where you might have some wiggle room to interpret your own way.

Commonly Misused Words in English

                Are vs Our

  • Are is a verb that describes the state of something in the present. Things are
  • Our is a pronoun, meaning it stands in for a group of people in a sentence. John and I love to eat pizza. Our favorite place is around the corner.

                Effect vs Affect

  • Effect is a noun that means the result of a change. What will the effect of this merger be?
  • Affect is a verb that describes a change in progress. The merger will affect every department.

                Lay vs Lie vs Laid

  • Lay is a verb that describes an object being placed somewhere. I lay the book down on the table.
    • The past tense of this is I laid the book down on the table.
  • Lie is a verb that describes resting or reclining. I am going to lie
    • Confusingly, the past tense of this is lay. I lay down for a few hours this morning.

                Ensure vs Insure

  • Ensure is a verb that means you are going to guarantee something. I ensure you will get the results you want.
  • Insure is a verb specifically related to insurance. She decided to insure her jewelry for $100,000.

                Then vs Than

  • Then is a word that can be many parts of speech but is usually an adjective or adverb. Almost all its uses have to do with time or the order of events. I will be ready by Let’s go to dinner, then the show. If the client calls, then I might be late to the meeting. The decision was made by then president Adam Jones.
  • Than is a conjunction used to compare two things. I am taller than Their store is busier than ours. They have more than I have. I am less than pleased.

                Which vs That

  • Which is used when the information that follows it isn’t essential to the understanding of the sentence. The car, which seemed expensive, was attractive to Tony. (In this case, the car is attractive to Tony whether it is expensive or not.)
  • That is used when the information that follows is essential to the understanding of the sentence. The car that seemed expensive was attractive to Tony. (In this case, it is the fact that the car is expensive that makes it attractive among other options.)

Words That Don’t Actually Exist

In addition to confused words like the ones above, there are some words we might use that are rarely or never correct.


  • This mistake is usually made when someone is trying to say there is a lot of something. You would never use “alittle” as one word trying to describe a little of something. In the same way, a lot is two words.
  • If you are trying to talk about an allotment, to allot someone a portion requires two “L’s.”
  • Alot is never correct.


  • This isn’t exactly an imaginary word since you can find it in some dictionaries from the 1800s. But today, it’s generally regarded as incorrect.
  • Its literal meaning is “conceivable within imagination.” An aunt or uncle could supposably tell children something their parents don’t want them to learn.
  • But when most people make this mistake, they are trying to say supposedly, which means “what people accept to be true, or what is reported.” She supposedly completed the project, but I don’t know.


  • This word is believed to have been created as a slang mashup of “irrespective” and “regardless.”
  • Regardless means the same thing, but avoids the double negative created by “ir-“and “-less” that causes this word to be considered incorrect.


  • People often use this word to try to describe something that can’t catch on fire. However, the word for that is
  • Flammable is the word for something that can catch on fire. Inflammable means the same thing as flammable but causes unnecessary confusion. This is because we associate the prefix “in-“ with something being the opposite of what follows, like inflexible or But in this case, that rule does not apply. Instead, you might be saying the opposite of what you intend.
  • According to Merriam-Webster, this mess arose because of a Latin translation error.


  • This word is a mistaken attempt to say unequivocally, which means “plainly and without doubt.” I can tell you unequivocally that this product will be a success.
  • Unequivocably is not a word and is never grammatically correct. Since it is a piece of slang, you can still play it in Scrabble.


  • Like irregardless and inflammable, this is a case of adding a prefix to a word that is already doing a fine job on its own. To thaw something already means to unfreeze it. Can you thaw the steaks for dinner? The spring thaw is coming soon.
  • If you think about the prefix “un-“meaning the opposite, like unfriendly, to unthaw something would actually mean to freeze it again.

Commonly Misused Phrases in English


  • When people use this phrase, they mean to say deep-seated, which means established at a profound level. I have a deep-seated fear of heights.
  • Merriam-Webster does a great job of explaining how our use of “seed” in athletic tournaments has led to this confusion growing worse over time.

                Piece of mind

  • If you are trying to ease someone’s fears, you are offering them peace of mind.
  • The idea of giving someone a piece of our mind opens the door to confusion between these two.
  • Remember that peace of mind is a positive offering, while a piece of your mind usually is not.

                For all intensive purposes

  • This confusion is a case of not hearing the actual phrase correctly. For all intents and purposes is a phrase from law that has become common use. It means “in every practical sense.” For all intents and purposes, those two are dating, but they just won’t admit it. I am the dog’s owner for all intents and purposes, because I feed it and take care of it every day.
  • Often this continues to be misinterpreted by those making the mistake because we think of intensive as being “deep” or “comprehensive,” like “an intensive” This is understandable, but still incorrect.

                Sneak peak

  • In this case, it’s important to remember that peek means “look,” while peak means “the top of a mountain.
  • If you got an advance look at the top of a mountain, you would get a sneak peek at the

                By in large

  • Like “for all intensive purposes,” this error is commonly caused by mishearing the phrase in speech and applying what the brain interprets in our writing.
  • By and large means considering all the aspects of a situation together. By and large, what we need is someone who can answer these questions.
  • Some people hear and use by an large, which is also incorrect.

This list is by no means comprehensive, and summaries like these don’t always drive home the nuances of using these words and phrases correctly. If you ever find yourself questioning your usage at the moment, we recommend turning to Google. A quick search for the phrase or word you are questioning will bring a lot of resources to your fingertips, including quizzes and worksheets to practice correct usage. And at the end of the day remember—everyone makes mistakes!

Oral Communication During an Interview

You’ve scoured the web for the right job listings. You’ve written and revised your cover letter a hundred times. You’ve filled out online applications and tweaked your resume to be just right. Up to this point in the employment search process, you’ve used written materials to pique the interest of potential employers. Now, it’s finally time for your interview, but are you ready to sell yourself? Whether it’s done over the phone, via video chat, or in-person, oral communication can make or break the entire deal. What goes into great oral communication during an interview, and how can you be sure to make the best possible impression?

Oral Communication During an In-Person Interview

In person-interviews allow job-seekers are able to use the interaction to show off every aspect of their personality and prove that they’re the right person for the job. However, this also means there’s a lot of pressure for interviewees to deliver at all angles. A study performed by Come Recommended found that 33 percent of bosses knew whether they would hire someone within the first 90 seconds of an interview. With that in mind, make sure you’re primed and ready to go from the moment you enter the room. Practice active listening by repeating questions back to the interviewer or summarizing their question. Speak clearly and succinctly, and don’t worry about taking your time to formulate your thoughts when answering a question. According to a study published on Career Geek 38percent of hiring officials said the quality of grammar and overall confidence had the most important impact during the interview.

Oral Communication During a Video Interview

Over the past few years, companies have made the push toward video interviews to make the process more efficient. A study published by the Aberdeen Group found that 47percent of companies prefer video conference interviews because it saves on time, and another 67percent said it cuts down on travel costs. Though you may not be in the room with the interviewer, you should do everything possible to act like you are. Eye contact is still incredibly vital during these video interviews, as it demonstrates confidence. The study published by Come Recommended found that 67percent of bosses and hiring managers cited a lack of eye contact as being a primary mistake by applicants. Don’t let yourself become distracted by going ons around you, and find a quiet, private location that will allow you to answer questions and focus your attention on the hiring party. Continue to practice active listening by asking questions and summarizing their points. Take your time in responding so you don’t trip over your words.

Oral Communication During a Phone Interview

Phone interviews can be a tricky situation. Without any visual cues, it’s tough to gauge reactions to what you say or how you say it. It’s also common to find yourself and the interviewer unintentionally interrupting or talking over one another. Still, these types of interviews are often unavoidable, particularly in the first few rounds of candidate conversations. They are an efficient and quick way for hiring managers to sift through a lot of applicants. When the call begins, make sure to greet anyone who’s announced themselves on the call. Before answering, listen to the question in its entirety so that you’re not jumping the gun or leaving anything out. It may be handy to keep a notepad nearby to jot down important ideas you want to communicate. You’ll also want to try and keep your answers succinct; without the ability to make eye contact, it can be easy to give long and rambling answers. As with any of these interview scenarios, answer with confidence.

Interviews are both exciting and nerve-wracking. It’s as though we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, we also know that if the interview doesn’t go well, it may mean beginning the process all over again. Your written materials got you to this point, but person-to-person meetings will rely much more heavily on your oral communication skills. By remaining calm, actively listening, and showing your confidence, you’ll have a great chance to take this interview and turn it into a career.

Preparing for a Presentation

Giving a presentation in front of colleagues strikes fear in the heart of many people. Psycom reports that glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, affects up to 75 percent of Americans. While some people only suffer from mild nervousness others can have full-on panic attacks when confronted with the prospect of giving a presentation. If you are somebody who gets a case of the butterflies at the thought of public speaking there are a few steps you can take to help the process go smoothly.  Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to make those butterflies flutter away.

Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.

Preparation is essential in order to have a great presentation. Luckily, if you are giving a presentation for your job, you probably already know your topic. However, something that’s just as important is knowing your audience. If you’re presenting to an unfamiliar group, try to find out who they are. This is important so that you can adjust your tone. Your tone will be different if you are presenting to a bunch of college kids than if you are speaking to your board of directors. The tone of your presentation may be more relaxed or more serious depending on your audience and topic. Now that you know how you want to approach the topic, it’s time to start thinking about how you will deliver your presentation.

People primarily take in information in two ways: audibly, and visually. Great presentations strike a balance between the two. You need to use both audio and visual components to help your audience retain more information. According to Entrepreneur, as of 2015, 77 percent of presentations and training workshops used blended audio and visual teaching styles to create a more efficient learning experience. When thinking about your approach, you should try to find out what the set-up of the room you are presenting in. Do they have a computer and a projector that you can use? Are you going to be limited to a dry erase board? The best-case scenario is one where you have a projector and, depending on the size of the audience, a microphone. If you have a projector, now you need to decide what platform you want to use to present your slides. Whether you are using PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Slides, there are few things to think about when putting together your visual aids.

Tips for Your Slideshow

There are some common thoughts about how to organize information on a slideshow platform. One important thing to remember is that the different ways to organize your presentation aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. Each strategy lays out a way to visually present information in a way that best retains the audience’s attention while also maintaining focus on what the speaker is saying.

The 10/20/30 Rule

Professional presenter Guy Kawasaki came up with this list of rules in order to streamline his presentations so both the speaker and the audience get the most out of their time.

  • Limit your slideshow to ten slides, in order to keep you on point.
  • Present for a maximum of twenty minutes, so the audience doesn’t lose interest.
  • Keep all text on your slides no smaller than a thirty-point font. You really don’t want your audience to wade through a wall of text.

You might also want to consider keeping your presentation to fifteen minutes and allow for a five-minute Q and A session at the end. This will make the audience feel like they have engaged in the presentation personally. Q and As will also leave them thinking more positively about it afterward.

The 5/5/5 or 1/6/6 or 7×7 Rule

There are a few common rules that many people follow when it comes to putting together a slideshow. The 5/5/5 rule dictates that you should have no more than 5 lines per slide and no more than five words per line. That last “five” suggests that you have no more than five text heavy slides in a row. The 1/6/6 and 7×7 rules suggest no more than six or seven lines of text per slide with a maximum of six or seven words per line of text. Basically, this reaffirms the idea that you do not want your slides loaded heavily with words. Slides are in place to reinforce what the speaker says, not to do the informational heavy lifting for the speaker.

The Power of Three

The third key thing to remember is to use groups of three when listing sets of information or examples. Sources of Insight explains that the power of three is a strong way to engage an audience on a psychological level. According to the article, people love lists of three because they keep you and the audience on the same page. If you use a list of three the audience knows where you are in the list and how much longer they need to engage on a subconscious level. It can be helpful to signal your audience by using sentences like, “here are three things that I am going to tell you,” in order to give the power of three even more power.

Pictures and Videos

Using pictures and videos is encouraged during a presentation for a few reasons. Video and pictures help visual learners retain information better. One great reason to use them is that they help break up long-winded orations and walls of text in a slideshow. Pictures and video work to help the audience shift gears during transitions as well. Videos can also give a speaker a break to regroup and focus on the next point they want to make.

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?

Now that you have your slides all set and ready to go, your next step is to practice, practice, practice. You want to avoid rote memorization and practice using notes instead of a speech written out word-for-word. Otherwise, you run the risk of coming off as stiff or robotic. Instead, set up in a space that is reminiscent of the actual space where you will be presenting. This will help you remain comfortable because you will have a feeling of familiarity with your surroundings. Make sure to time your practice runs to make sure you don’t go too long. It’s also essential to practice in front of people who will give you honest feedback. Rehearse your presentation until you feel comfortable. While you practice tweak and cut material as you find out what works and what doesn’t. 

If you follow these steps your presentation will be a breeze, especially as your confidence grows. The next thing you know, you’ll be jumping at the chance to give a killer presentation.

What is Oral Communication?

Oral communication can be a high-pressure way to communicate. Unlike written communication, where you have a chance to revise, you have one shot to get your message across. Oral communication has been the primary way we communicate on a day-to-day basis for millions of years according to PLOS ONE. If you can do it well, in many cases, success follows. If you do it poorly you can find yourself in a less-than-convenient situation. Let’s take a look at what exactly oral communication is and why it’s important at work, with friends, and family. 

What is Oral Communication?

Oral communication is the ability to transmit ideas from your brain to either one person or a group of people. Good use of verbal skills means presenting an idea clearly while each thought is articulated in a cohesive manner. It has everything to do with the language that we choose to use. It’s also important to know who your audience is and address them in a way that they comprehend and understand. Your tone is also important as a confident tone can go far when you are expressing an idea as it can help you sound more credible. Good verbal communication often relies on non-verbal cues. These cues, like hand gestures or a raised brow, might put emphasis on a point, show how you feel about what you are saying, and provide insight about the seriousness of a situation. Another important aspect to think about is that good verbal skills go hand-in-hand with excellent listening skills. When used together it becomes much easier to navigate day-to-day encounters at work and in your personal life.

Oral Communication at Work

Being able to present yourself as well as your ideas is important before you even start a job. In fact, the National Association for Colleges and Employers did a study which found that verbal communications skills were the biggest priority when making a new hire. This is probably related to the fact that the ability to work within a team is the second most important quality. According to Medium, we now spend more time with our co-workers than we do with our families. So being able to communicate well with them is essential. The ability to convey ideas to your co-workers helps the team accomplish a task much more efficiently. It can also help to avoid the negativity and unproductiveness that comes when people aren’t getting along.

The ability to communicate ideas to colleagues or a board of directors in presentations is also important. This can help make you sound more expert when presenting as well as helps you look more professional. Being able to cooperate with other people, present your ideas clearly, and the ability to listen and respond to other people’s ideas will go a long way to help you enjoy your work and help set you down a successful career path.

Oral Communication with Friends

Human beings are social creatures. Studies have shown that people who go out of their way to have a social life are happier in the long term, according to Psychology Today. Oral communication is the cornerstone of social interaction. Doing more to engage others leads to the feeling of being more socially connected, which in turn makes us happier. A key part of making new friends is the ability to ask good questions. This requires active listening (an important part of oral communication) so that you can learn about the other person and get to know someone better. In turn, being able to talk about yourself so that they can get to know you is also important. Someone with good verbal skills will be able to do this in a friendly way that isn’t braggadocious or cocky. Being able to have a balanced conversation, especially when you first meet someone, is a good way to make a new friend.

Of course, oral communication is also important when talking to old friends. Sharing things about yourself, from the deeply personal to the mundane, can lead to less stress in life. Happify reports that people who have substantive conversations with friends are happier than those who only have small talk. So, don’t be afraid to go deep when having a conversation with a friend about what’s going on in your life.

Oral Communication with Family

Open communication among family members helps create strong family bonds that last a lifetime. It’s important to be able to sit down and communicate things like what’s going on in everyone’s life, without judgment, while finding a way to encourage each other. An article published by Virginia Tech reports that families utilize two different kinds of communication. One is clear communication where the family members are open and direct. The other is masked which is when communication is muddied and vague. Family members tend to mask how they feel. This happens when they think they will be met with disapproval or are unhappy with another family member. Masking how you feel might get someone out of an uncomfortable situation in the short term. However, being open and honest about feelings strengthens family bonds in the long term. The same article goes on to say that couples who rate their communication skills highly have happier marriages.

If family members feel unheard, it could help to set some time aside for a family meeting. You can also make it a point to sit down and eat dinner together. Speaking to each other and asking questions about what’s going in each other’s lives with an open mind is what family communication is all about.

Oral communication is important in all aspects of daily life. It is the easiest way to let the people around you know who you are–professionally and socially. By being direct and honest while maintaining an open and positive attitude you are telling the world that you are the type of person who can be trusted with everything from a presentation to the board of directors to helping a family member or friend through a difficult situation. Learning to listen to others and responding in a genuine way is what makes you a good communicator.